Programm history
9 - Programm history
N.B.: * means bug fixed
- means minor update
+ means major update
* Version 1.3 (02.12.1997) :
* A lot of bugs removed.
+ Added support for multiple guide files: when a guide file refer to another one in a link button,
the referred one is converted too recursively.
- The main html file is now named exactly as the original guide file, suffixed by ".html".
(That is needed by the support for multiples guide files).
* Version 1.23 (23.11.1997) :
* Bugs removed.
* Improved AmigaGuide compatibility (again :-)): supports fg and bg commands and others...
* Version 1.221 (21.11.1997) :
* Bug removed when [CANCEL] button was clicked in the ASL requesters.
* Version 1.22 (20.11.1997) :
* Improved AmigaGuide compatibility.
* Corrected the output directory options (it was not functionnal).
- Added some options (text, link, vlink, alink).
- The help file is now available in html format (see html dir). :-)
* Version 1.21 (28.10.1997) :
- Added a output directory gadget and option.
* Version 1.2 (24.6.1997) :
- Added a Workbench interface.
* Version 1.1 (7.6.1997) :
* All Enforcer HITs found where removed (and there was a lot because I've forgotten to run it
for the previous version ;-0
- Better support for symbols '@' and '<' and '>'
* Version 1.0 (3.6.1997) :
First realised version.
Converted with g2h, © 02.12.1997 N. DARNIS